Monday, January 4, 2016

November 9, 2015 - in Chihuahua

Climbed a mountain in Chihuahua! :)

David on P Day in Chihuahua

Hey guys! Sorry that last weeks letter had no details in it, we had to go to a meeting in 30 mins, and so we barely had enough time to write home.

Ok, so its been a blast being back here in Mexico!!!!   Where should I begin....  I got here and it took a couple hours getting back into things, Spanish wise and all, but by the time I had my interview with the president the next day I was perfectly fine again!!! (My Spanish by now is great, since I'm basically speaking it all the time, only have random words like tire, or mouse, stuff like that, that i need to work on.)
 It is so great being back here in the Mission Field!!!!   So I was assigned to be a companion to a Elder Jiminez, hes from Pueblo Mexico, short, and a pretty chill dude!!!  We have really gotten along, and have been hitting the streets hard to find investigators, and preach the gospel!  We live in a kinda largish smallish house with the other 2 elders in our district, one of them is from Hawaii and the other is from here in Mexico.  We all get along pretty well!  
The people here are nice for the most part.  Most of time when we get rejected they reject us nicely, however we have been yelled at several times.  Which is great for the most part, but the even better part is when actually get to teach!  
We have one person who we've been teaching for a couple days, who already wants to be baptized.  We went over the questions that she was going to be asked in an interview with our leader just so she would know what to expect, and her testimony was beautiful. She was talking about how she wants to be a good example for her family, and that being baptized would set a good one for them. She also talked a little about her past, and how she has a lot that she regrets, but because of Jesus Christ all that regret can now go away.  The Spirit was really strong in the room, and well... It was beautiful. 
Also last Monday we had an activity where we climbed Cerro Grande!  Big Hill in english.  It was fun! We didn't know where the trail was, so we kinda walked up the side of the mountain to get there, which really reminded me of Canyoneering!!!  Haha, it was great, and the view from up on top was beautiful!  Hope everything back home is going great! Love you Guys!!!
Siempre Fuerte,
Elder Pettingill

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